Mistakes Alienated Parents Make: 2. Counter-rejection
In the early stages of alienation some rejected parents counter-reject their children. They rebuke the children for their negative attitudes, and tell them, in effect, “Shape up or ship out.” They...
View ArticleUK Agency Denounces Parental Alienation As Child Abuse
Behavior by one divorced parent that attempts to undermine a child’s relationship with the other parent—what I call “divorce poison”—has been denounced as child abuse by the chief executive of the...
View Article“It really seems pretty obvious.” – BBC radio presenter on parental...
BBC’s award-winning radio commentator, Jane Garvey, talked to Sarah Parsons, Principal Social Worker at Cafcass, and to Joanna Abrahams, a solicitor who specializes in cases of parental alienation....
View ArticleMistakes Alienated Parents Make: 1. Losing Your Temper
Alienated children can be rude, obnoxious, and hateful. They express and provoke great hostility. It is understandable that the target of gross mistreatment feels like responding in kind. But losing...
View ArticleBacklash Against Parental Alienation: Denial and Skepticism About...
A boy wrote a letter to his mother telling her that she belonged in a mental institution, that she was nothing to him, that she was nothing but a screw-up, that she was sick, selfish, that he wanted to...
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